Tailoring Your Consultation: Your Guide to Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is an exciting time, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. The choices you make during this period can have a significant impact on your health and finances for the year ahead. That’s why Mi-BENEFITS offers a range of consultation styles to help you navigate this important decision.

1. The Comprehensive 45-Minute Consultation

Some of us prefer to dive deep into the details. If that’s you, the 45-minute consultation is your ideal choice. During this in-depth conversation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your benefits at length with one of our experienced advisors. This option is perfect if you have specific questions, unique circumstances, or if you simply appreciate a thorough review of your options.

Booking this consultation is easy. After selecting “BOOK CALL,” answer a few quick questions to direct you to the appropriate calendar.

2. The 15-Minute Submission Assurance Call

For those who have already reviewed their options and feel confident in their choices, the 15-minute Submission Assurance Call is a quick and efficient way to ensure everything is in order. This brief consultation allows you to submit your selections with peace of mind, knowing that you’ve crossed your T’s and dotted your I’s.

Just like with the 45-minute consultation, booking is a breeze. Answer a few questions after selecting “BOOK A CALL” to find the right calendar for your needs.

3. The “Skip the Call” Self-Select Enrollment

Maybe you’re someone who’s done their homework, knows exactly what they want, and is ready to take action. In that case, our “Skip a Call” option is designed for you. With this choice, you can confidently self-select your benefits, knowing that your carrier submissions are ready to go.

But remember, no matter which consultation style you choose, there’s one essential step: logging into the Zorro platform. It’s crucial for everyone, whether you’re a full self-selector or someone who prefers a hands-on consultation, to update and input all your personal information. This ensures that your benefits are tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

So, as Open Enrollment approaches, think about your preferred consultation style and schedule your appointment. Whether you’re delving deep into the details, seeking peace of mind, or confidently self-selecting, Mi-BENEFITS has you covered. Your health and financial well-being are our top priorities, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.